another day another bowl

08.09.14 – Puerto Jiménez, Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

rice, corn, avocado arroz, maiz, aguacate y banana/o
rice, corn, avocado
arroz, maiz, aguacate
y banana/o
raw oats in water
raw oats in water // pura avena con agua

I think this was my worst morning for breakfast although it had so much potential.

For some reason my leftovers of corn, rice and avocado from last night were spoiled, and the banana I tried to eat wasn’t quite ripe so it was hard and bitter as I tried to eat it..

Then I attempted to eat my usual oatmeal but without any fruit, and in cold water, it wasn’t the most satisfyingly rich experience I’ve had.

Foto del día 8-9-14 a la(s) 9.46

Since it is still before 9:30 am I figured my snack of peanut butter and banana on bread while I study for my GRE was still breakfast 🙂

July 2nd

One of the most powerful women I have ever met – she runs this farm completely by herself. We came by to drop off another picture and were invited to learn how to grind the corn meal to make tortillas and another type of savory/tamale-esque dish (name will be remembered soon)







In an attempt to capture the blue and purple rings in her eyes to show her the beauty of her eyes, I grabbed this picture. While dark at first, I think this captures her beauty, sympathy, depth, and strength.

 she is hilarious and generous; soulful and wise.

“natural, todo es natural”