Medicinal Plants

At my new house, I don’t have internet or cell service so I have just been reading all of the books on medicinal plants. I compiled this list, enjoy!

Aloe Vera: (also similar to mozote de caballo)


The gelatin inside the leaf is used to alleviate skin problems such as burns, sunburn, insect bites, cuts, bruises, eczema, psoriasis, fungal infections, and acne. It is also use on strains and sprains prevent arthritis/reduce inflammation around joints & as hair conditioner! If you ingest it treats problems like heartburn, constipation, and a lot associated with liver, gallbladder, kidney, and bladder problems.


Cut leaf in section and lubricate area of interest

OR separate gelatin from skin, add water, and blend (add papaya to improve flavor and enhance healing properties!)



Improves digestion and prevents fermentation and gas in digestive tract – also used as a mild nerve tonic – eat in foods or steep in hot, not boiling, water for 5-10 minutes with honey (good for body cramps!)


Reduce fevers and accelerate recover of patients with colds/flew (if used in excess can experience nausea/vomiting)


1 tsp of dried herb to 1 teacup of hot water – drink more than 2-3 cups a day for up to a week

Broom weed: (yes used to make brooms too!)

Externally an effective medicine as good skin wash and for infections and injuries – drinking tea to alleviate colds/flue/coughs/fever/burning urine


1 cup of fresh leaves in 3 cups of water for 5 minutes – drink between meals

Castor Bean:

Constipation/anti-inflammatory/analgesic/parasites (also wormseed good for this – targets parasite with no secondary effects)


1-2 tbsps of oil with glass of warm water


Antiseptic/antibacterial – as oil used to free digestive tract of unwanted microbes, increase circulation and provide relief for colds/flu

Prep: Seasoning frequently to prevent health problems or mix warm water/ lemon/ honey/ garlic/ ginger


Tea for sleep/eyewash/improve digestion/mild calmative

Cilantro/Cinnamon: Steep 1 tbsp of leaves with 1 L of water (combine mints if want) for treating upset stomach, vomiting, and diarrhea


Kidney stones/burning urine/bladder infection

Dry out cornsilk and add 1tbsp to 1 L of water – if not using immediately store in airtight container


Inflammation/pancreas and liver problems/acne/skin diseases/anemia/age spots/water retention/low blood pressure/heart burn/insomnia/cramps and much much more

Can mix young leaves in salad but root is most potent part of plant. Boil 1 teaspoon of powdered root into 1 cup of water – drink between meals

Dwarf Poinciana:

Soak leaves in a hot bath to treat sluggishness and depression

Ginger – tons that we already know add in about any tea but also supposed to be good substitute for coffee!

Gumbo Limbo

Ingest the bark for fever/vomiting/parasites/kidney & bladder problems/cold/flu/sunstroke

Cut 10×30 cm piece of bark and then chop and boil it in about 4 L of water for about 10 minutes – tea can also be used for skin wash!

Hibiscus – best for cramps!

Hoja de estrella –

Only externally – sore muscles/skin problems/acne and pain/swelling/ headaches

Maceration by crushing leaves with fingers/blenders or boil 2 handfuls in 4L of water for about 10 minutes

Horsetail – also easily found as pill in supermarket

Kidney/bladder problems – prevent hair loss, stimulate nail growth, strength teeth/bones/skin, also used as skin wash

Lemon grass – good as tea but also used to ward off mosquitos when brewing!

Noni – easiest to find in “wild” smells awful!! (from experience also tastes horrible raw..)

Run on skin to absorb facial oil or to dry out pus from infected sore or boil

Also relieve symptoms of arthritis/diabetes/remove head lice (also pokeweed & rat killer tree good for lice)/or to staunch bleeding from deep cuts

Drink after you strain and blend fruit with pineapple or a citrus OR make a poultice (grind up more or less) and apply to skin

Papaya: Eat or make into juices (with aloe vera too!) to treat host of digestive problems or use rind of fruit to heal skin problems or “simply as a beauty treatment” – sap of trunk good for treating warts

Passion Flower – easy to spot

“Emergency herb for nervous disorders, particularly insomnia, hysteria, depressions, and nervous headaches” also ground seeds good for deworming agent

“Half-fill a glass container with leaves then top off with vodka. Seal the container and shake the bottle vigorously once a day for three weeks. Decant the liquid and store in a dark bottle for future use. Use 15-60 droplets per day for about a week. Use sparingly to avoid overdoses.”

Prickly pear cactus – very easy to grow in kitchen

Pulp used to treat skin disorders and digestive problems – also used as an INSECT REPELLANT


Carefully peel the rind from the stem segments and chop the inner pulp into small squares. Soak the pulp in water overnight. In the morning the liquid will be very mucilaginous. Drink 3-4 glasses per day between meals. ALSO use chopped pulp to make a meal called nopal from Mexico – peel stem segments, cut the pulp into squares then coat pulp with breadcrumbs and bake!


SNAKE BITES – chew on leaves to remedy venomous SNAKE BITES –

Can also drink or use as skin wash much like aloe vera – also used to feed chickens and keep them healthy..

July 2nd

One of the most powerful women I have ever met – she runs this farm completely by herself. We came by to drop off another picture and were invited to learn how to grind the corn meal to make tortillas and another type of savory/tamale-esque dish (name will be remembered soon)







In an attempt to capture the blue and purple rings in her eyes to show her the beauty of her eyes, I grabbed this picture. While dark at first, I think this captures her beauty, sympathy, depth, and strength.

 she is hilarious and generous; soulful and wise.

“natural, todo es natural”